Our customers depend on us to supply an exceptional service. We do our best to meetand exceed their high standards. Here’s what our customers say about our efforts.
New to canal boating?
Don’t worry if you’ve never been on a canal boat before, you don’t need a licence, the basic skills are easy to pick up and there is no test to pass. On handover day, we explain all the technical details about the boat so you get to fully understand the operation before you take her away. For the novice, we’d also recommend doing a RYA training course at www.trboathandling.com or maybe just a refresher if you are experienced.
Can you help with finance?
Many owners choose to buy their boat using extended finance or marine mortgages. We work closely with a number of leading providers of marine finance and would be happy to help guide and assist you towards finalising your purchase.
How do I get a waterways licence?
Before you take the boat, you must ensure you have a current licence (registration). This allows you to cruise around and to keep your boat on the waterways. This is a simple process and we will be happy to assist with your application to the appropriate waterways authority.
Do I need to insure my new boat?
It is compulsory to have boat insurance and you require it before you can apply for your waterways licence. We work closely with a number of leading providers of marine insurance and would be happy to help guide and assist you. Alternatively you can find specialist marine insurers using the directory at www.waterscape.com, adverts in the waterway press.
Does size matter?
If you are looking to cruise the whole connected system on a narrowboat, then yes. To be strictly correct, the maximum length is 40ft. If you wish to cruise the last few hundred yards of the Little Ouse River to the town of Brandon in Norfolk. Excluding that small glitch those in the know, generally believe that 59ft is possible for the whole system.
The same cannot be said for a wide beam boat. Whilst you do gain that extra living space, it does restrict your ability to go where you want. It basically means you have to plan your route and maybe take the long way round. So if you’re happy with these restrictions, then you are looking at approximately 60% of the system.
What are the average costs of owning a boat?
Whether your boat is for long weekends to get away from the rat race or for living abroad, it can be a wonderful way of life, free to move and change the view from the window whenever you want. So how much does it really cost? Apart from maintenance costs, which depend on usage, there are three main costs to consider when you buy a boat for use in the UK.
Based on a 58ft narrowboat, expect to pay approximately £2,800 per annum for moorings, approximately £800 for a boat licence and full comprehensive insurance cover for approximately £400. Peace, satisfaction and a smile… Priceless!